Happy September! Our Annual Fundraising Campaign, to cover the cost of heating the church continues!

We hope this finds you well, in the midst of these challenging times that we are all trying to navigate with grace and hope, where so many of our community of Beaver Bank are more challenged than ever to make ends meet.

As the Community Church in the heart of Beaver Bank, we exist to be here as a loving spiritual support centre of prayer, fellowship and outreach to all who struggle - long into the future.

We are so grateful to you for your ongoing support of the Church of the Good Shepherd and for being a valuable part of our Beaver Bank community. Without you, we would not be here.

Known throughout Beaver Bank as the Centre for Spirituality and a place of welcome, fun and fellowship, our community looks to us for leadership, spiritual nurturing and community outreach partnerships. Of course, we’re here on Sundays as well as for baptisms, weddings and funerals. We also extend our arms to Harold T. Barrett Junior High as an emergency meeting shelter and for their breakfast program; provide food and volunteer personnel to Beacon House; meeting space for the Girl Guides; as well as provide assistance to the new Sackville Area Warming Centre.

Over the years, we’ve helped dozens of families in need to provide Christmas for their children through our Rector’s Discretionary Fund. Throughout the height of the pandemic, in various partnerships with the Lion’s Club and with generous donations from the Keeners, we were able to help many more to make ends meet during the lockdowns. In addition, we were here to help the community to deal with mental health struggles through wellness checks, online gatherings and worship, and confidential spiritual support from our rector. These works of love continue now and we want to continue them long into the future.

As it is has been for all of us, the global pandemic and inflation have impacted the church’s bottom line.

Across Canada, many small churches like ours have fallen and many more will fall. We don’t want to be one of them.

We want to continue to be here for you in times of need and in times of joy, so right now, we need your help! We’re asking our community to join in and make a donation to our “Keep the Home Fires Burning” campaign.

With rising costs for everything, especially fuel, we feel compelled to seek your assistance with our heating fuel costs.

How can you help?

Please scroll down the page for further details regarding the following:

  • E-transfer (Donate Now)

  • Donation on the plate in Church

  • Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)

  • Mail a cheque to Church of the Good Shepherd 28 Trinity Lane, Beaver Bank, NS B4G 1C1

When you do make a donation, please indicate it is for the “Keeping the Home Fires Burning” campaign. To receive a 2022 tax deductible receipt, in person donations will need to be made no later than our Christmas Eve Service.

We are grateful for any support that you are able to contribute to help pay our heating bills, and to keep Good Shepherd going long into the future, as we all continue to move through this long and uncertain time together.

We are so very grateful for all the generosity that has been bestowed on us throughout the pandemic through the monetary gifts of our parishioners, as well as members of the Beaver Bank community-at-large.

We know many of you are struggling, just as we are. For those who want to donate, but cannot help, we understand! Our prayers are with you, and we ask you to pray for us.

Thank you for opening your heart to consider our request.

With gratitude for you and a prayer for God’s blessing on you, your family and friends at this holy time of year 🙏,

Rev’d. Cathy Lee Cunningham, Rector

Nancy Kemp & Dwain Gordon (Wardens – Parish of the Church of the Good Shepherd)

on behalf of the Parish Council


When making an online donation to the Church of the Good Shepherd, please send along an Interac  E-transfer to


together with the following information in the message box for tax receipt purposes:

Full Name
Email address
PAR or Envelope Number (if applicable)

What should the donation be used for?

  • Keep the Home Fires Burning Campaign

Your donation will be deposited automatically, so no security question is required.


Please make your cheque payable to:

Church of the Good Shepherd

Mail your cheque to our Parish Mailing address:

Church of the Good Shepherd
Attention: Treasurer
28 Trinity Lane
Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia
B4G 1C1

* Please do not send cash in the mail. Thank you! **Be sure to include your envelope number if you normally use your envelopes to make your weekly offering at the church.


If you would like to arrange to be put on Pre-Authorized Remittance, please send an e-mail to our envelope secretary, Leoda Harrison at:



During this time of post-pandemic inflation, many of us have been impacted in untold financial ways, and we know many of you are hurting and trying to make ends meet.

With inflation rising and the cost of living going up we know the pressure that is on everyone to “balance the chequebook”, and the same holds true for the Church.

We are so very grateful for all of the generosity that has been bestowed on us throughout the pandemic and in this post-pandemic time, through the monetary gifts of our parishioners, members of the Beaver Bank Community-at-large and for donations of money to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund by parishioners the Beaver Bank Keeners and gift cards from the Lion’s Club.

We also have an anonymous Beaver Bank Angel who gives several full Christmas Dinners for families in need in each year . We have been able to help so many families in need!

Our regular operating bills continue to arrive and we must pay them as we always have, so to continue serving Beaver Bank, we continue to need your financial support.

You may also wish to consider a special contribution to other parts of our operating budget

by cash (on the plate in Church), Cheque, Pre-Authroized Remittance (PAR) or e-transfer (scroll down for details)


In addition to the reduction of our full seating capacity for in-person worship services, we’ve had to postpone our major fundraising events, which bring in thousands each year to cover our mortgage, insurance and any shortfalls that may arise in our operating budget. So our budget has been taking a major hit, as well as our cash on hand for paying those bills. It’s been tight.

We have big dreams for continuing to serve our community here in Beaver Bank, so we need your help, if you are able.

We have a heart, mind and will to be here, long into the future, as the centre of spirituality, love, learning and community outreach that we have long been: gathering together in good times and in bad, to support one another and our community of Beaver Bank in all the best ways we know how.

We’ve come too far to let this pandemic take us down!

We are grateful for any further support that you are able to give to help pay the bills in the interim, and to keep Good Shepherd going, as we all continue to move through this long and uncertain pandemic time together.

We love you as much as God loves you!

The many ways we have set up for you to donate are explained below the picture. Thank you! Thank you!

Our Donor Wall, lovingly created by by Judy Gordon, Potter

Our Donor Wall, lovingly created by by Judy Gordon, Potter


When making an online donation to the Church of the Good Shepherd, please send along an Interac  E-transfer to


together with the following information in the message box for tax receipt purposes:

Full Name
Email address
PAR or Envelope Number (if applicable)

What should the donation be used for?

  • Keep the Home Fires Burning Campaign

  • Virtual Turkey Dinner

  • Rock-a-thon (To Pay Our Insurance Bill)

  • General Church Purposes

  • In Memorium

  • Cemetery and Grounds Purposes

  • Other (Please specify)

Your donation will be deposited automatically, so no security question is required.

Remember, The Lord loves a cheerful giver!


Please make your cheque payable to:

Church of the Good Shepherd

Mail your cheque to our Parish Mailing address:

Church of the Good Shepherd
Attention: Treasurer
28 Trinity Lane
Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia
B4G 1C1

* Please do not send cash in the mail. Thank you! **Be sure to include your envelope number if you normally use your envelopes to make your weekly offering at the church.


How PAR Donations Work Updated January 2020.png

If you would like to arrange to be put on Pre-Authorized Remittance, please send an e-mail to our envelope secretary, Leoda Harrison at:


Judy Gordon (at far right), creator of the Donor Wall, proclaiming the reading on the Tree of Life from the Book of Revelation at the Dedication of the art work at the entrance of the church.

Judy Gordon (at far right), creator of the Donor Wall, proclaiming the reading on the Tree of Life from the Book of Revelation at the Dedication of the art work at the entrance of the church.